Is Death Predestined?

Some have said that our future depends on our actions, and that we have free will, but that our time of death is fixed. Lets explore this idea.   The Possible Options One theory is that humans have an exact fixed time of death, such that there is nothing they...

Ammar Nakshawani Muharram 2019 Lectures

The Muharram lectures of 2019 b Dr Ammar Nakshawani were in MKSI Leicester - Masjid Al Husayn. Lecture 1 Kerbala and the Holocaust | Dr Sayed Ammar Nakshawani | Eve of 1st Muharram | 31/08/2019 Audio Video   Lecture 2 : Nahjul Balagha: The Evil of Women | Dr...

Prophet Adam AS Children : Incest ?

Prophet Adam AS was created by God, he then created Lady Hawa and they had children. So How did the children have families? Some people like to guess and try to invent stories in order to explain gaps in their knowledge. This can lead to all sorts of problems and is...